I don’t know if I’ve already warned about this, but fostering is addicting. We always try to take a break in between fosters, but I’m a big softie and can’t stay away too long. Today, we welcomed foster #5 to our home: Josie.
Josie has been a Jasmine’s House dog since this summer. I’m can’t believe no one has snatched her up. When we were fostering Kima, I always considered Josie to be a bit of a Jasmine’s House superstar, so when we were asked if we would foster her, I jumped at the chance. I mean, who can resist those ears?!
Josie walks well on a leash, listens to us and had no problem fitting in what is now at least, her 5th home! Her only “fault”? She does not love cats. But you know what? Neither do I so I’m ok with that.